Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Work Comp Roundup - Reduce Your Workers Compensation ...


Vermont H 762 ? a radical approach to workers compensation in Vermont

Noted WC writer Peter Rousmaniere writes that Vermont is set to pass a radical approach to dealing with the independent contractor problem in workers comp. ?The problem is this: many businesses in the past, across the country, have chosen to define their workers as independent contractors, thereby saving themselves serious money in workers comp insurance, unemployment compensation insurance, and other benefits mandatory or voluntary, and leaving their workers exposed to the elements .(There are also other state?labor protections that come to play),? he says.[WCx]



?The house bill 762 has a provision expressly designed to let workers define themselves as independent contractors!? he notes. ?The intent comes out in the hearings: to let employers such as contractors hire them without having to worry about the risk of the engagement being seen as employment ? even if the engagement looks, talks and walks like employment.?



Volume Three of the LexisNexis eNewsletter Available

Follow this link to see a summary of state and world news in the WC industry. This edition includes information on North Carolina?s reforms, Retaliatory Discharge and an experts year-in-review among many other ?goodies.? Check it out!



Broadspire?Holds First Annual Rx Summit

Danielle Lisenbey, chief operating officer for the Medical Management Services of Broadspire announced its first annual Rx Summit here in Sunrise March 22. As a leader in the industry, Broadspire first Pharmacy Issues Summit should prove to be helpful. They write, ?The purpose of the meeting is to bring thought leaders from various organizations together to discuss relevant topics and issues surrounding pharmacy benefits in the workers compensation setting. The intent is not to share the specifics of what various companies are doing, but rather to focus on the global industry issues themselves and what may be the possible trends and developments for the future. One key objective of the program will be to help to identify and define common threads that run through all components of the industry ? across claimants, payors, employers and carriers. Defining some of these commonalities will help the consumer to maneuver through the market. This will be an opportunity to brainstorm and share ideas amongst industry peers that can help to influence positive impacts for all.?





TDI-DWC Launches Redesign of Homepage on the TDI Website



?In an effort to make online resources for workers? compensation system participants more user friendly, the TDI-DWC homepage redesign features a new tab style menu with three sections to assist system participants in accessing workers? compensation information. Topics A-Z features an alphabetical listing of workers? compensation-related subject matter that directly links to website content. Online Services features direct links to services, including: safety violation reporting, employer coverage verification and attorney fee processing.

Resources features direct links to resources, including the Texas Labor Code, TDI-DWC rules, calendar of events and training and TDI-DWC forms,? they write.



There are many other helpful changes. Go take a look!



WCRI Releases Study of WC Laws

The Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) and the International Association of Accident Boards and Commissions (IAIABC) just released a joint study, Workers? Compensation Laws as of January 2012.



This tool allows users to compare WC system laws across U.S. and Canada. More information is available here.



WCRI calls it, ?An essential tool for researching and understanding the distinctions among workers? compensation laws in all U.S. states and certain Canadian provinces.?



LRP Publications Announces New EEO/Federal Manager Book

To prevent age discrimination and sexual harassment complaints, managers need guidance. EEO complaints can be avoided.





Chapters include:

EEO Responsibilities

Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

Race and Color Discrimination

National Origin Discrimination

Age Discrimination

Religious Discrimination and Accommodation

Disability Discrimination and Accommodation

Toward a Diverse Federal Workplace



Early MRIs Impact Outcomes Workshop March 14

Liberty Mutual Insurance knows that while MRIs are commonly used in workers compensation claims, their findings may or may not always be related to workplace injury. To this end, they are hosting a workshop March 14. More information is available here.



Among the topics to be discussed will be the results from a Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety study on the early use of MRIs as they relate to claims outcomes, case studies from the field and best practices around the use of MRIs.[WCx]



The company recommends people with claims, loss control, risk consulting, or managed care responsibilities should attend as well as risk managers interested in the latest issues and research associated with MRIs and claims outcomes.





Author Rebecca Shafer, JD, President of Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc. is a national expert in the field of workers compensation. She is a writer, speaker, and publisher. Her expertise is working with employers to reduce workers compensation costs, and her clients include airlines, healthcare, printing/publishing, pharmaceuticals, retail, hospitality, and manufacturing. She is the author of the #1 selling book on cost containment, Workers Compensation Management Program: Reduce Costs 20% to 50%. Contact: RShafer@ReduceYourWorkersComp.com.




MODIFIED DUTY CALCULATOR: ?www.LowerWC.com/transitional-duty-cost-calculator.php


Do not use this information without independent verification. All state laws vary. You should consult with your insurance broker or agent about workers comp issues.


?2012 Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. If you would like permission to reprint this material, contact us at: Info@ReduceYourWorkersComp.com.

Source: http://blog.reduceyourworkerscomp.com/2012/03/vermont-proposes-radical-approach-to-workers-compensation-and-other-news/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=vermont-proposes-radical-approach-to-workers-compensation-and-other-news

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