Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kate's Scrapbook: Babies and NICUs

I could be working on a class paper about debt...but first I'm going to write about one of my many, many cousins.
If you've checked the sidebar of links on this blog, you may have seen one for?Frank's Place, subtitled "Diary of Stay at Home Dad." That would be my cousin, Fran (I have a lot of cousins so for clarity's sake, he's a first cousin on my mother's side). Fran's youngest, Anne Marie, is currently in a NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) in Tennessee, having been born about three months early. Her twin sister, Linda, passed away only five hours after birth that day. Fran's family, along with other families, were recently featured in a video about the NICU, produced by the University of Tennessee Medical Center's fundraising office.?Here's a direct link?to the video (Fran's wife, Tracey, shows up at around the 2:40 mark). Fran has some behind-the-scenes info?here?on his blog.
It's been a long, hard road for Fran and his family. I've been praying that Anne Marie will continue to grow and thrive so she can go home as soon as possible (anecdotally, it seems that "two steps forward, three steps back" is a common theme for NICU and preemie babies). If you so desire, a donation to the University of Tennessee's medical center and NICU can be made?here?(from there, you can also specify if the gift is in memory or honor of a specific person).
Thus concludes a rare serious entry on Kate's Scrapbook.

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